Thursday, July 12, 2012

Naming the Puppy

I went to visit with the puppies and breeder many times before we actually brought the puppy home.  The first time I went by myself because I didn't want the kids to get there hopes up before we knew for sure if the puppy would fit our requirements and lifestyle.  

There are many things to consider when getting a puppy.  You are not getting what you see but the potential of what could be.  Puppies will go through many changes during their journey to being a well behaved adult dog that is trained and has the appropriate social skills.  And that is what we are looking forward to when we get a puppy.  It can be so exciting to get a puppy and they steel our heart so quickly.  But we need to keep a level head and ask many questions to the breeder.  This is one reason why it is so important to meet the parents and find out their health history, manners, etc.

Once we knew for sure that we were getting one of these puppies, and had chosen which one we were picking.  Then we had to choose a name so that the breeder could start using it with the puppy.  It is good to get the puppy used to his/her name early on.

So back to the name:

My Mom had a puppy puppet when the kids were younger, that they loved to play with at her house.  The puppet was called Rosie.  I thought that having a positive connection to the name might give them a positive connection  to the puppy even before she came to live with us.  This is what I was thinking, but I also wanted to let the kids be involved with picking a name.  So I asked my five year old twins what they wanted to name the puppy.  Right away they called out "Rosie!".  So it was pretty much set! I still had to run it by my older son, who has Asperger's syndrome.  He is very high functioning, but has a lot of his own ideas.  I explained it to him and he was good with it too!  Yeah!  And my husband didn't care what name she had.  So ROSIE it is!  Ends up being a good name for her, she is a really happy, cheerful dog!

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